Thinking you might not be able to keep your pug? We’re here to help.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Evergreen Pug Rescue and considering us as a trusted option for your beloved pug.

We understand that a variety of circumstances can lead families to seek rescue assistance, and making this decision is often challenging.

Relinquishing a pet is never easy, but it is often a thoughtful and compassionate choice made with your pug’s best interests at heart. By giving them this opportunity, you’re showing a profound act of love, and we are here to support you through the process.

Our role is not to judge but to provide assistance. We promise to treat you with the utmost kindness and respect while maintaining complete confidentiality.

We hope you’ll view Evergreen Pug Rescue as a caring and reliable alternative to rehoming your pug on your own or surrendering them to a shelter.

Rehome Privately or Rescue Assisted?

Questions about Surrendering….

  • The first step is to fill out the online Surrender Form. If you need emergency assistance, call 425-419-6925.

  • Evergreen Pug Rescue is committed to being 100% entirely foster-based. This means every pug that comes into our care lives and is treated as a cherished member of a family - complete with snuggles on the couch, warm pet beds and lots of love. We do our best to maintain every aspect of the pug's routine and lifestyle rituals.

    Every pug will then visit an Evergreen Pug Rescue veterinarian for an exam and to ensure they’re up-to-date on vaccines, microchipped and spayed/neutered.

    Once everyone agrees the pug is ready for adoption, our adoption team gets to work - finding the best next chapter!

  • We’re happy to share any and everything we can! While each adoption scenario is unique and we can’t divulge specifics, we’ll do our best to provide you updates along the way, especially that all important adoption update.

  • Being 100% foster-based, we’re committed to always having a stable foster home before we bring your pug into rescue. Therefore, it could take a day or two to bring your pug in. However, if it’s an immediate need, we do have fosters that specialize in interim and transitionary care and we’re able to pick up right away. We’re on your timeline, really. We’re here for you. You let us know what you need.

  • Absolutely not. We’re honored to help!

    However, you’re welcome to make a donation. It’s completely up to you and there’s absolutely no pressure.

  • It’s nice to send items that’ll make the pug feel at home through the transition - so if they’ve got a pet bed or a favorite toy, those are great to send along. We promise to keep these items with them and they’ll go with them into their adoption home.

    We do request you send some of the food they’re used to eating, if you have some. If you don’t, if you can let us know the brand/flavor, that works too!

  • We welcome pugs of all ages, sizes, colors, and conditions—including surrendered, ill, injured, elderly, and alpha personalities—from across Washington state and neighboring areas. Every pug deserves a safe, loving home, and we are dedicated to providing just that.

  • Oh gosh, please don’t! If it’s a matter of needing to know the adoptive family - please reach out to us so we can help facilitate that adoption! If you rehome independently, please proceed with EXTREME caution if you are considering selling or giving your pug away on Craigslist. It can mean the difference between life and death for your pug. There are those that are looking to buy your pug for resale, and there is no way of knowing what kind of care your pug will receive. When you entrust your pug to a rescue organization, you know that you pug will be well cared for with a contract that lasts their lifetime and always have us to fall back on.

  • The decision to surrender your pug to rescue is final. However, we do recognize that sometimes it can take giving up a pug and missing their snorts and fur to realize what you’ve truly given up.

    Requests to return pugs surrendered to rescue will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Board of Directors. In addition, the rescue must be reimbursed for any incurred expenses.

  • NO! Evergreen Pug Rescue is a no-kill rescue and will not Euthanize dogs due to time spent in rescue or to make room for new incoming rescues. The good news is, we have LOTS of adoption applications and all dogs have lots of interest - even the sweet seniors!

  • Still complete the surrender request. We’ll be in touch and work on our next steps.

There’s no right or wrong answer here, and Evergreen Pug Rescue is committed to supporting you, no matter the path you choose.

While we don’t offer a traditional private rehoming service, otherwise known as “home to home”, our goal is to provide the support you need. This means working with each family and dog on a case-by-case basis to determine the best approach.

We also want to help end the negative stigma around “surrendering.” Having been involved in countless surrenders over the years, we’ve seen firsthand the many unique and heartfelt reasons families make this decision.

We don’t want you to feel like you have abandoned your beloved pug and we’d love to keep you connected, in whatever that might look like - be it pictures and updates or even knowing the next-chapter family.

At the same time, we understand that not every adopter is comfortable participating in a private rehoming process. It’s a delicate balance, but we believe there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. As long as it leads to a happy ending for the dog, that’s what truly matters.